Treatments & Dental Knowledge

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Examinations &

Routine Check-ups

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& Onlays

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Build Up

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Gum Disease


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Root Canal


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Wisdom Tooth


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Examinations & Routine Check-ups.

Following an initial consultation, Channa will carry out a thorough dental examination to:

- Determine whether there are any  existing or potential problems with your teeth or gums.

- Examine the tissues supporting your teeth.

- Examine the appropriate lymph and salivary glands, your tongue, palate and the other soft tissues inside your mouth.

- Take X-rays if needed.

For emergency treatment, please contact us straight away. If your emergency is out of hours, please contact the out of hours service on 07731 107470 (Mon-Fri 6pm-9pm, weekends and bank holidays 10am-6pm).

Hygiene Treatments.

Sahar, our experienced and highly skilled hygienist, will conduct a comprehensive review of your oral hygiene health. If you are meeting her for the first time, she will:

- Carry out an initial dental hygiene examination.

- Carry out a thorough scaling of your teeth to remove any plaque or tartar build-up in the areas brushing cannot reach.

- Perform a clean and polish to remove any superficial stains on your teeth.

- Offer tailored advice on how to maintain good dental health and demonstrate techniques you can use at home.


A trusted and effective method of replacing missing teeth is to use a customised denture. Dentures are removable plastic or metal frameworks that carry false teeth. They are removable and can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple missing teeth or a full arch of teeth. 

We will talk your options through with you at your appointment and recommend the best way forward.


A bridge uses the teeth on one or both sides of a gap to anchor onto the missing tooth or teeth.

Bridges consist of two or more crowns made of porcelain or metal, which are then placed adjacent to a space, with the false tooth supported by a crown secured to one or more of your teeth. Channa will cement the bridge in place so that you don’t have to remove it.

We will give you a local anaesthetic injection before the procedure begins, which will block any pain from your gums but you will stay awake during the procedure.


Fillings are an excellent way to repair cavities in your teeth and can help stop toothache and prevent further decay. The procedure involves removing decayed or weakened parts of your tooth and filling the cavity with a tooth-coloured composite or amalgam (filling material). The procedure is usually done under local anaesthesia. 

We will discuss the treatment options with you in more detail at your appointment.


Shaped like a natural tooth, crowns are used to improve contour and appearance of teeth after they’ve been damaged. Crowns are custom-made by a dental professional and fit over your existing tooth once it’s been prepared. They can be made of porcelain, gold or a combination, depending on personal choice and its location. The procedure is usually done under local anaesthesia. 


We will discuss the treatment options with you in more detail at your appointment.

Inlays & Onlays.

Similar to fillings, inlays and onlays are durable options for repairing damaged teeth. Custom-made by a dental professional, inlays and onlays are placed onto the surfaces of teeth that are missing due to decay or damage. The procedure is usually done under local anaesthesia. 

We will discuss the treatment options with you in more detail at your appointment.


Veneers are an effective way of repairing chipped or uneven teeth. The procedure involves fitting a thin layer of tooth-coloured porcelain or composite on any teeth that are chipped, discoloured or misaligned. 

We will discuss the treatment options with you in more detail at your appointment.

Composite Build Up.

To repair a chipped or worn tooth, a modern, tooth-coloured filling material composite resin may be used. Bonded directly onto the tooth surface, the results look natural and provide an excellent restorative option. 

We will discuss the treatment options with you in more detail at your appointment.

Gum Disease Treatment.

Gum disease is a very common condition, affecting most adults in the UK. It can have a serious effect on your dental health if left untreated. Some of the symptoms include bleeding, sensitive, swollen or receding gums, bad breath or loosening teeth. 

We will review your oral health at every appointment, make recommendations and provide treatment options to help manage gum disease as a priority.

Root Canal Treatment.

Root canal treatment is when a dentist removes infected tissue from inside your tooth. They will clean and fill the inside of your tooth to prevent further damage or infection. Root canal treatment can save your tooth from having to be taken out.

Why might I need root canal treatment?

In the middle of each of your teeth is a mixture of blood vessels and nerves called pulp. This sits inside a space called the pulp chamber. Connected to the pulp chamber and the pulp are one or more root canals. If your tooth is damaged, bacteria from your saliva can get inside it, causing irritation, pain and swelling.

This can happen in a number of ways, including:

- Severe tooth decay

- Repeated treatment on the tooth

- A cracked tooth, caused by an injury

- A broken crown

- Cracked or loose fillings

- Gum disease

- An injury, such as a blow to your mouth

The aim of root canal treatment is to prevent your tooth from being taken out by removing the damaged pulp and treating the infection.

Preparing for root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is normally done by Channa, but if your tooth is difficult to treat he may refer you to an endodontist. This is a dentist who specialises in root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment is done in one or more sessions, depending on how severe the problem is and the type of tooth you’re having treatment on.

Root canal treatment is usually done under local anaesthesia. This completely blocks pain from your tooth and jaw area and you will stay awake during the procedure. If you’re worried about having a local anaesthetic, feel free to discuss this with Channa at your appointment.

Wisdom Tooth Removal.

Sometimes, damaged teeth can’t be repaired with root canal treatment. This is usually if your tooth is badly damaged or if you have severe gum disease that prevents your tooth from healing or being well supported after treatment. If this happens, Channa may suggest you have the tooth extracted.

Problems with wisdom teeth.

Problems can sometimes develop with wisdom teeth, most commonly if they do not have enough space to come in evenly at the back of your mouth. This can lead to pain, swelling or infection.

Problems that can be caused by poorly positioned wisdom teeth include:

- Tooth decay

- Gum disease

- Recurring mouth infections

- Abscesses in gums

Such problems may result in needing to have your wisdom teeth removed. Each case is reviewed on an individual basis.

Wisdom tooth removal procedure

Wisdom tooth removal means having one or more of the third molars (your wisdom teeth) at the back of your mouth taken out. This can sometimes involve a surgical procedure.

Preparing for wisdom tooth removal

You will need an X-ray so that we can see the exact position of the tooth in the gum. This will allow us to work out the best way to remove the tooth. More often than not, wisdom tooth removal is a straightforward procedure that we can do at the dental practice, under local anaesthesia. 

If your tooth looks like it will be more difficult to remove, we may have to refer you to a specialist oral surgeon. You’ll need to have the procedure in a hospital and may be offered general anaesthesia.

What happens during wisdom tooth removal?

The procedure for removing your wisdom teeth will vary, depending on how difficult they are to take out. Upper wisdom teeth are usually easier to remove than lower ones. We can tell you exactly what to expect when we discuss your treatment plan.

If you’re having your wisdom teeth removed at our dental practice, you’ll usually have it done under local anaesthesia. This will completely block pain from your gums, but you will stay awake while your wisdom teeth are being removed.

Recovering from wisdom tooth removal

It may take a few days to feel completely better after wisdom tooth removal. You’re likely to have some pain and discomfort after the procedure. This is usually at its worst during the first couple of days. 

We can discuss options for pain relief and post treatment support at your appointment. You’re encouraged to contact us if you need further support.

Book an appointment.